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Retrofit & Light Controls
The wave of converting streetlights to LED lighting platforms began several years ago, with many utilities, municipalities, universities, and the like recognizing the economic and environmental benefits of LED lighting. For those who are interested in incorporating smart technologies into their communities, the first requirement is installing the proper LED lighting platform. With minimizing expenditures as a top priority for many, participating in an PennSMART PennSTAR LED retrofit program allows customers with a smooth lighting transition and the benefit of utilize their existing street light poles and fixtures.
LED Retrofit Benefits
Great Return on Investment
Reduced Maintenance Cost
Extended Lamp Life
Minimal Energy Consumption
Light Throw Consistency
The wave of converting streetlights to LED lighting platforms began several years ago, with many utilities, municipalities, universities, and the like recognizing the economic and environmental benefits of LED lighting. For those who are interested in incorporating smart technologies into their communities, the first requirement is installing the proper LED lighting platform. With minimizing expenditures as a top priority for many, participating in an PennSMART PennSTAR LED retrofit program allows customers with a smooth lighting transition and the benefit of utilize their existing street light poles and fixtures.
Light Control Benefits
Minimal Maintenance
Reduce Overall Costs
Energy Savings
Outage and Usage Alerts
Dimming and Timer Capabilities